I want to provide license to the simple console application. I used RSACrypttoServiceProvider class to encrypt and decrypt. I also want to use LicFileLicenseProvider class to grant license for my application. how to inherit LicFileLicenseProvider class and use it? Namespase.classname.lic file contains text - "Namespase.classname is a licensed component." - how to modify this ? if I modify this and use Validate OR isvalid method it will return null and false results respectively. please suggest solution.
Look at http://www.drdobbs.com/184416695;jsessionid=4JVBZKOX0D5NRQE1GHRSKH4ATMY32JVN. Search for DerivedLicenseProvider
. Is if not what you are looking for? Another article http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_framework/licensing/article.php/c5469 don't give you a direct example about inheritance of LicFileLicenseProvider
, but if you not yet know it, you should read it.