I need to implement a pagination. Seemingly, Doctrine doesn't support some jointures.
Here is my query :
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
$query->setFirstResult(($page - 1) * $maxperpage);
->from('DemandeBundle:Declaration', 'd')
->orderBy('d.id', 'ASC')
->innerJoin('ContactBundle:Contact', 'c', 'WITH', 'd.contact = c')
->where('c.structure_id = :structure_id')
->setParameter('structure_id', $structureId)
return new Paginator($query, true);
It's working fine when I am not using innerJoin but I need to use it so as to display only requests regarding to my user.
Using innerJoin I got that kind of error :
"An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template
("Cannot count query which selects two FROM components, cannot make distinction") in
DemandeBundle:Demande:listing_demande.html.twig at line 25"
How can I circumvent this problem without using another bundle or whatever.
Hope you will understand me guy.