If I don't set any read/write consistency level at all in my spring-data-cassandra project, what will be my consistency level for reads? What about writes?
(I asked this question here, but the Google Group is now locked)
If I don't set any read/write consistency level at all in my spring-data-cassandra project, what will be my consistency level for reads? What about writes?
(I asked this question here, but the Google Group is now locked)
The default consistency level used by the driver, if not set, is one. Since spring-data-cassandra, as they claim is:
Based on the latest DataStax Enterprise CQL Java Driver
the default CL is one.
See https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATACASS-145 & https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATACASS-146. I am working on this in branch https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra/tree/DATACASS-145. When DATACASS-145 is done, I can move on to DATACASS-146.
I don't think it's going to make it into 1.1.0; 1.1.1 is likely.