Given two colors, both in HSV(B), how can I conver

2019-07-15 10:08发布


I'm designing some colored blocks, where the text is one color and the background is a lighter / desaturated shade of that same color (think warning text, where the words is red and it has a light pinkish background).

The text color is #990000. The background color is #f2dede. In Photoshop HSV, that equates to hsv( 0, 100%, 60%) & hsv(0, 8%, 95%).

With this color set, I'd like to be able to toss in other colors -- a nice green or yellow -- and have the background automatically calculated.

Using LESSCSS, I've tried:

@color: desaturate( lighten( hsv(0, 100%, 60%), 35%), 92% );

But I can't get it to render the color I generate by performing the same changes in Photoshop.

The color theory of this is beyond my comprehension, but my question is: How do I convert one color to another color, given the Photoshop HSB values?


I get it a little better -- the L and the B in HSB and HSL are not at all compatible, so lightening the color the "B" delta is never going to work.

It's sloppy, but something like this works:

@foreground: #990000;
@background: hsv(hsvhue(@foreground), 

Lacking a "value" command similar to lighten/darken, I'm thinking this is the best I'm going to get. (If I don't get any other responses, I'll mark this the answer).

Thanks much...Nate


Note: my answer here discusses some issues with color theory and LESS functions that you may find useful also.

For LESS 1.4 (which has some new built in functions)


@color: hsv(0, 100%, 60%);
@bkg: hsv(hsvhue(@color), (hsvsaturation(@color) - 92%), (hsvvalue(@color) + 34.75%));

.test {
  color: @color;
  background-color: @bkg;

CSS Output

.test {
  color: #990000;
  background-color: #f2dede;

The link I posted above may explain why my value is 34.75% and not 35% more like your numbers were expecting.

UPDATE: I just noticed that you had essentially posted a similar answer in your question. I'm not certain exactly what issue you are still facing with that method of calculation.

UPDATE 2: If you desire it to generally always "contrast" then something like this may work better:

@color: hsv(0, 100%, 60%);
@darkerBkg: hsv(hsvhue(@color), (hsvsaturation(@color) - 92%), (hsvvalue(@color) + 34.75%));
@lighterBkg: hsv(hsvhue(@color), (hsvsaturation(@color) + 92%), (hsvvalue(@color) - 34.75%));
@bkg: contrast(@color, @darkerBkg, @lighterBkg, 43%);

.test {
  color: @color;
  background-color: @bkg;

Using the contrast function with the default 43% threshold value will cause a "flip" to the @lighterBkg in this case at a 35% saturation value (hsv(0,35%,60%)).

The calculation numbers you have set are going to work best with colors in the initial saturation range of 92-100 (or with the contrast feature also 0-8), and initial value range of 0-65 (or with contrast you would probably be covered in any value range). In the contrast version, any saturation between 9-91 will begin to "equalize" to either 0% or 100%. You would need to decide on a new "calculation" and add some other math logic in if that was an issue, but I think with the contrast version it may not be a problem.


Give this tool a try:

Cuttle - Color function suggestions based on example

It takes two different input colors and calculates (or approximates) different ways of going from one color to the other using Less or Sass color functions. Created by @alex-gyoshev.

You'd have to convert your hsv values to rgb first, whilst taking into account the tipps from ScottS about the different color spaces.

标签: colors less