d3 does not support cross-domain request even thou

2019-07-15 08:21发布


I want to load a tsv file from a specific directory which is different from the d3 directory. My d3 script resides under /home/meet/workspace/d3_test/scripts and SimpleHTTPServer running at "/" root.

    console.log("fetching data.tsv file "+error+data);

Throwing an error:

GET http://localhost:8888/home/meet/data/data.tsv 200 OK 5ms (in red color)
fetching data.tsv file [object XMLHttpRequest] undefined


  1. Tried passing file:/// which is not supported
  2. Mike mentions link with SimpleHTTPServer
  3. Also, I don't want to edit my browser settings


I end up running server at root "/" with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888 &

accessing my html file from localhost

for e.g. - http://localhost:8888/home/meet/workspace/d3_test/scripts/data_fetch.html

and my tsv file is on following location


Note:- Setting up your SimpleHTTPServer at root "/" helps you to fetch any file from any directory at given security cost.


Unfortunately, SimpleHTTPServer is really that simple that it does not allow any customization, especially not of the headers it sends. You can however create a simple HTTP server yourself, using most of SimpleHTTPServer and just add that desired header.

Simply create a file simple-cors-http-server.py (or whatever) and put the following inside:

#! /usr/bin/env python2
from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
import BaseHTTPServer

class CORSRequestHandler (SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def end_headers (self):
        self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    BaseHTTPServer.test(CORSRequestHandler, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer)

Then you can do python simple-cors-http-server.py and it will launch your modified server which will set the CORS header for every response.


Doesn't seem like there's enough evidence to conclude that this is a cross-domain problem. The console log should be able to provide more details, but I'd guess that the problem is that the server isn't setting the mime type correctly for tab-separated values. According to the d3.js source code for tsv files the mime type should be "text/tab-separated-values". Should be easy enough to check this in the console.