
Override file delete in android

2019-07-15 08:10发布


Is it possible to override File.delete() function? Whenever i delete any file from sdcard from other apps (not using by my application) i need a notification like this file is going to be delete. A sample code snippet i tried is,

public class ExtendFile extends File
    public ExtendFile(File dir, String name) 
         super(dir, name);
         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public boolean delete() 
        System.out.println("to be deleted");
        return super.delete();


File file = new File("/mnt/sdcard/tmp.txt");
ExtendFile f = new ExtendFile(file, tempPath);

i implemented above two statements in a service class in FileObsever. Now i deleted tmp.txt file from other app, but i didn't get any notification. How can i get the notifications from other apps ? Is it possible or not ?

Thanks in advance


No, this is not possible. Not only will this cause problems with other applications but also with the Android OS.

With the FileObserver you can only see what has happened to a file. You cannot influence it. To conclude: If you only want to know what has happened to "/mnt/sdcard/tmp.txt" then use a FileObserver, but you cannot prevent deletion.