Getting the URL from Excel Sheet Hyper links in Py

2019-07-15 05:34发布


I am trying to get the hyperlinks URL of elements in the 2nd column of an Excel sheet using xlrd. When using:

book = open_workbook('mypath', formatting_info=True)
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
r_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
wb = copy(book)
w_sheet = wb.get_sheet(0)

for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows):    
    URL = sheet.hyperlink_map.get((row_index, 1))
    print URL 

I get:

<xlrd.sheet.Hyperlink object at 0x0000000002D81898>
<xlrd.sheet.Hyperlink object at 0x0000000002D819E8>
<xlrd.sheet.Hyperlink object at 0x0000000002D81DA0>

What do I have to add to my code to get URL formatted in a string format and not an xlrd.sheet.Hyperlink object so they can be later used in the code? I am looking to get the actual URL that I see when highlighting the elements of the first column in Excel, so something like