Environment variable in Gemfile

2019-07-15 05:19发布


I'm having trouble using an environment variable in my Gemfile.
I'm trying to load a gem from a private Github repository with an API key:

auth = ENV['SECRET_GIT']
gem 'foobar', git: "https://#{auth}:x-oauth-basic@github.com/Foo/Bar.git"

But if I puts my ENV['SECRET_GIT'] variable, there's nothing in it.
I though you could do it this way because of these (especially the first one):
- https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/bundler-configuration#gem-source-username-and-password
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/7338154/5353193
- Deploying to Heroku with environment variables in Gemfile

Bundler version 1.14.6
ruby 2.4.0p0

Thank you for you help

I'm trying to do this in my local environment, I guess there would be no problem doing this on heroku.


Well yes you can set it from console

heroku config:set SECRET_GIT=your-api-key

Or, you can set the environment variables from heroku dashbord

heroku > your-app > settings > Config variables

And add a new entry

SECRET_GIT = your-api-key

And now you can use it directly in Gemfile

gem 'foobar', git: "https://#{ENV['SECRET_GIT']}:x-oauth-basic@github.com/Foo/Bar.git"


From your comments I understand that you expect the heroku config to be available in local development. This is not the case as you recognized.

You need to require that heroku_env.rb you mentioned in your Gemfile. The Gemfile is just a plain Ruby file executed in a specific context. So, you should be able to just add require 'config/heroku_env' to the top - or whatever your path is. Remember to omit the .rb at the end.

Alternatively, give heroku local a try: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-local


I came out with a solution thanks to the replies I got (especially https://stackoverflow.com/a/42718962/5353193).
I was expecting that spring or something would magically load my environment file (as nothing was specified for local environment here).

I put this code at the beginning of my Gemfile:

env = 'config/env.rb'
load(env) if File.exist?(env)