I want to match strings enclosed in triple "
-quotes which may contain line breaks, and which don't contain any """
-substrings except at the very beginning and in the very end.
Valid example:
bar "baz" blah"""
Invalid example:
"""foo bar """ baz"""
I tried using the following regex (as Java String
and it seems to work on short examples. However, on longer examples, like on a string consisting of thousand lines with hello world
, it gives me a StackOverflowError
Scala snippet to reproduce the error
import java.util.regex.{Pattern, Matcher}
val text = "\"" * 3 + "hello world \n" * 1000 + "\"" * 3
val p = Pattern.compile("(?m)\"\"\"(?:[^\"]|(?:\"[^\"])|(?:\"\"[^\"]))*\"\"\"")
println(p.matcher("\"\"\" foo bar baz \n baz bar foo \"\"\"").lookingAt())
(note: test locally, Scastie times out; or maybe reduce 1000 to smaller number?).
Java snippet that produces the same error
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
class RegexOverflowMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
bldr.append("hello world \n");
String text = bldr.toString();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?m)\"\"\"(?:[^\"]|(?:\"[^\"])|(?:\"\"[^\"]))*\"\"\"");
System.out.println(p.matcher("\"\"\" foo bar baz \n baz bar foo \"\"\"").lookingAt());
Any idea how to make this "stack safe", i.e. can someone find a regex that accepts the same language, but does not produce a StackOverflowError
when fed to the Java regex API?
I don't care whether the solution is in Scala or Java (or whatever), as long the same underlying Java regex library is used.
Solution using a negative look-ahead to basically find a string that starts with """
and end with """
and contains content that does not include """
As Plain regex: ^"""((?!""")[\s\S])*"""$
As Java escaped regex: "^\"\"\"((?!\"\"\")[\\s\\S])*\"\"\"$
includes line-break (its basically .
+ line-break or .
with single line flag)
This should be used without the multiline flag so that ^
and $
match the start and end of the string and not the start and end of the line
otherwise this:
""" ab
abc """
would match
Also i used this as reference for how to exclude the """
: Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word?
The full answer below optimizes the regex performance, but to prevent stack overflow, as a simple solution, just make the repeating group possessive.
Non-possessive repeating groups with choices need recursive calls to allow backtracking. Making it possessive fixes the problem, so simply add a +
after the *
Also note that if you want to match entire input, you need to call matches()
, not lookingAt()
Performance boost
Note: A quick performance test showed this to be more than 6 times faster than regex in answer by x4rf41.
Instead of matching one of
- Not a quote:
- Exactly one quote:
- Exactly two quotes:
in a loop, first match everything up to a quote. If that is a single- or double-quote, but not a triple-quote, match the 1-2 quotes then everything up to next quote, repeat as needed. Finally match the ending triple-quote.
That matching is definitive, so make the repeats possessive. This also prevent stack overflow in case input has many embedded quotes.
"{3} match 3 leading quotes
[^"]*+ match as many non-quotes as possible (if any) {possesive}
(?: start optional repeating group
"{1,2} match 1-2 quotes
[^"]++ match one or more non-quotes (at least one) {possesive}
)*+ end optional repeating group {possesive}
"{3} match 3 trailing quotes
Since you don't use ^
or $
, there is no need for (?m)
As Java string: