
Getting IUIItem[] for children of CustomUIItem in

2019-07-15 05:31发布


A WPF Application is using an Application Framework and I can edit neither of them.

I can visit every element in the GUI doing something along these lines:

IUIItem[] items = window.GetMultiple(SearchCriteria.All);
foreach (var item in items)

I have no Issue with normal controls but I hit a wall with CustomUIItem.

I would like to visit all the Children of it but I fail to make a new array IUIItem[] from them.

Here is what I have now:

    void visit(CustomUIItem item)
        AutomationElementCollection children =
            .FindAll(TreeScope.Children, Condition.TrueCondition);
        UIItemCollection temp = new UIItemCollection(children.Cast<AutomationElement>());
        foreach(var t in temp)

Somethimes this throws and most of the time collection remains empty.

The CusomControl has "normal" controls among its children. I want those as regular IUIItems.

Where can I find the documentation for this. The only thing I found was this, and I can not do that since I am only visiting from outside and I do not know the controls content.


If i have really understood your problem.

    IUIItem[] items = window.GetMultiple(SearchCriteria.All);
    foreach (var item in items)

I have update your visit() method, it takes now a IUItem as argument to allow visiting of normal and custom controls.

    public void visit(IUIItem item)
        if (item is CustomUIItem)
            // Process custom controls
            CustomUIItem customControl = item as CustomUIItem;

            // Retrieve all the child controls
            IUIItem[] items = customControl.AsContainer().GetMultiple(SearchCriteria.All);

            // visit all the children
            foreach (var t in items)
            // Process normal controls

标签: c# wpf white