How do I use a component twice in a prent and chil

2019-07-15 05:40发布


I have a button component (with app specific behavior) that i intended to use widely in the app. The issue is that when I have a parent/child views where I use this button, a click on the paren't button triggers the [action] of the child's view button : naturally you don't get what's happening if you don't have some years of object oriented programming. (which is pretty a bad point to get young school novices to use dart...)

Just to explain the problem : each component in dart is a singleton in its scope (the scope being different for each tree node, except for the parent/child relationship). This is a good optimisation practice, but I think there should be a mandatory attribute to the component that takes the values


This will iblige novices to understand the concepts behind it...

Is there a solution to get a new instance for each DI injection?

This is the code:


<img src="{{src}}" (click)="click()" (mouseover)="hover()" (mouseleave)="blur()"  class="imgBtn" />


import 'package:angular2/core.dart';

        selector: 'btn',
        templateUrl: 'button_comp.html',
        styleUrls: const['button_comp.css']
class ButtonComp {
    String src;
    Function btnAction;
    List<String> _srcList;
    @Input() bool disabled;

    void set sources(List<String> srcList) {
        if( srcList?.length != 3)
            print( 'there must be 3 files for the states : default, hover and clicked. Found :  ${srcList?.toString()} for ${btnAction.toString()}' );
        _srcList = srcList;
        src = srcList == null ? 'invalidState' : srcList[0];

    @Input() set action(Function btnAction) {
        this.btnAction = btnAction;

    void hover() {
        src = _srcList[1];

    void blur() {
        src = _srcList[0];

    void click() {
        src = _srcList[2];
        if( btnAction != null )

Then I use this button in many places (knowing I can make it evolve through the app life)

For example

  selector: 'users-comp',
  templateUrl: 'users_comp.html',
  styleUrls: const ['users_comp.css'],
    directives: const[ButtonComp, TextComp, InviteUsersDialogComp]
class UsersComp implements OnInit {

If I have two buttons in UsersComp or one button in UsersComp and one in any of its children, then I will get the same instance of the button everywhere : I noticed that because clicking on the button of UsersComp triggered the 'action' of its subcomponents


 <div class="titleDiv">
    <btn [action]="add"
         [sources]="['../images/addPerson.bmp', '../images/addPerson-h.bmp', '../images/addPerson-c.bmp']"
    <div class="title">people</div>

and invite-dialog-comp.html

<div class="modal-footer">
      <btn [action]="save(search.value)" [sources]="['../images/ok.bmp', '../images/ok-h.bmp', '../images/ok-c.bmp']" class="saveAdd"></btn>

get the same button


With this provider

provide('myFactory', useFactory: (dep1, dep2) => () => new Foo(dep1, dep2), deps: [Dep1, Dep2])

you can create new instances like

class MyComponent {
  MyClass(@Inject('myFactory') Function myFactory) {
    var prevInstance;
    for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      var newInstance = myFactory();
      print('$i: ${identical(newInstance, prevInstance)}');
      prevInstance = newInstance;