libGDX: Hanging Rope [duplicate]

2019-07-15 04:52发布


This question is an exact duplicate of:

  • libGDX: Hanging rope knotted with some pivot 1 answer

I am new to android libGDX game engine and searching form many days to make a hanging rope,

I also read out all the Box2D documentation, There is a method ropJoint but no enough explanation given to use it.

Can any body help me to make a rope like this one. Hanging Rope in Box2d

I also tried to search for some good libGDX book for android but couldn't find.

your help is required, please do the favor.


Just create some rectangle bodies (setAsBox in box2d) in a loop and connect each other with revolute joints (Make a RevoluteJointDef before loop and inside loop call initialize(..)).

This is my code:

RevoluteJointDef jd = new RevoluteJointDef();
Body prevBody = startBody;
for(int i=0; i<ringCount; i++)
        BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
        bd.type = BodyType.DynamicBody;
        bd.angle = angle-MathUtils.PI/2;
        bd.position.set(position.x + i*MathUtils.cos(angle)*EACH_RING_DISTANCE, 
                        position.y + i*MathUtils.sin(angle)*EACH_RING_DISTANCE);
        Body body = world.createBody(bd);

        Vector2 anchor = new Vector2(bd.position.x - MathUtils.cos(angle)*EACH_RING_DISTANCE/2f, 
                                     bd.position.y - MathUtils.sin(angle)*EACH_RING_DISTANCE/2f);
        jd.initialize(prevBody, body, anchor);
        prevBody = body;
//connect a hanging shape to rope here if exists