What I have been trying to get is, work with npm version to update the package.json and create a tag and then commit my changes. In this way, I will be able to have tags by version, auto versioning and commit with the info.
The problem I am having is, when I am using npm version, it's doing a tag + commit automatically and then it can not be done if you have previously some changes, So for me, it doesn't make sense to increase the version of your project, before to do the changes/implementation/fixes.
Then, another problem I was having is that I first increase the version as a 'patch', then I do some changes, I add all, I commit and then I publish, at the end, I have 2 commits, 1 because of the npm version patch, and the other one the good one.
I saw in the documentation here that there is a parameter that allow you to disable this auto tag + commit, but then I would really like to use a command in the console to be able to update the package console and get that version set up as a tag.
By another hand, not sure if this that I am saying it does make sense because as far as I know, when you create a tag, you can go back in your project to that point, So how I pretend to work like that if I am disabling the auto commit?
Finally, What I want to make clear is my goal, What I really want to reach is handle by node scripts a semi-automated script to be able
to increase the version of the project, create a tag with the new
version, add all changes, commit and push.
Note: I don't want to use gulp-git as I think there is a way to handle this without it.
Not sure if I was clear enough, if not, please ask and help me :)
Ok guys, I got it! What I was looking for is to run a simple command and automate some boring tasks we have to do always in the same order for Git.
So, What I do here is, first I run this command:
$> npm run commit -- 'v.1.0.1: Fixes'
What it happens is that I firstly clean of folders/files and I dont need/want, then I run:
$> npm version patch -no-git-tag-version --force
That command increase my package.json version, not commit & not tag, So Then I add all changes as normal, then I commit my changes and after this, I create the tag with the tag:commit gulp task.
In the gulp task (attached bellow), I am getting the version of the package with require and treat it as a object.
"scripts": {
"start": "gulp start",
"initialize": "npm install & typings install",
"clean": "gulp clean:folders",
"commit:example": "echo 'npm run commit -- 'v.1.0.1: Fixes'",
"commit:patch": "npm version patch --no-git-tag-version --force",
"commit:minor": "npm version minor --no-git-tag-version --force",
"commit:major": "npm version major --no-git-tag-version --force",
"precommit": "npm run clean && npm run commit:patch && git add --all",
"postcommit": "gulp tag:commit && git push origin master && git status && gulp commit:done",
"commit": "git commit -m "
and then, I have this in my gulp file:
///// ***** GIT ***** /////
gulp.task('tag:commit', function () {
var version = pjson.version;
console.log(colors.bgWhite.black.bold(' \nTagging the version ' + version + ' \n'));
return run('git tag ' + version).exec();
I didn't want to use gulp-git as I knew there was a way to do that, If I need to merge, create brunch or whatever, I will run the console and fix it, but for daily commits, it's painful to remember to tag, update the package version, put it in the git commit....
I hope that's useful for someone else!