How to make Ant build for my BBM application with

2019-07-15 04:12发布


I am trying to use BBM in my application,I want to make the ant build for it

Bascially there is an implementationBBM a library project,and it in it i am adding the JAR file,and i want to make the ant build for this library application from my main CLDC application ant build file,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project name="Building project" default="build" basedir=".">
<property name="jde.home" value="D:\Eclipse3.6\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack5.0.0_5.0.0.25\components" />
<property name="sigtool.jde" value="D:\Eclipse3.6\plugins\net.rim.ejde.componentpack5.0.0_5.0.0.25\components" />
<taskdef resource="bb-ant-defs.xml" classpath="lib/bb-ant-tools.jar" />
<property name="src.dir" value="src" />
<property name="lib.dir" value="lib" />
<property name="signingpassword" value="Test123#"/>
<target name="clean">
        <fileset dir="release\5.0" />

<target name = "build-Interface" depends="clean" >
        <rapc destdir="release\5.0" output="BBMInterface" >
            <jdp  title="BBM Implementation" 
                vendor="MySample App" 
                systemmodule = "true"
                description="BBMImpl" runonstartup="true" startuptier="6"
                <fileset dir="../BBMInterface/src">
                    <include name="**/*.java" />

<target name = "build-Impl" depends="build-Interface" >
    <rapc destdir="release\5.0" output="BBMImpl" >
        <jdp  title="BBM Implementation" 
            systemmodule = "true"
            description="BBMImpl" runonstartup="true" startuptier="6"
            <fileset dir=".">
                <include name="lib/net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar" />

            <fileset dir="../BBMImpl/src">
                <include name="**/*.java" />



<target name = "build" depends="build-Impl">
    <rapc destdir="release\5.0" output="MainBBMApp">
        <jdp  title="MainBBMApp" 
            <entry title="MainBBMApp"


            <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
                <include name="**/*.java" />
                <include name="**/*.png" />
                <include name="**/*.gif" />
                <include name="**/*.bin" />
            <fileset dir="res\images">
                <include name="**/*.java" />
                <include name="**/*.png" />
                <include name="**/*.gif" />
                <include name="**/*.bin" />


<target name="sign" depends="build">
        <java jar="${sigtool.jde}\bin\SignatureTool.jar" fork="true" dir="release\5.0" failonerror="true">
            <arg line=" -a -c -C  *.cod -p ${signingpassword}" />

    <target name="ota" depends="sign">
        <jadtool input="release\5.0\MainBBMApp.jad" destdir="release\5.0\ota">
            <fileset dir="release\5.0" includes="*.cod" />

and while running ant build i am getting error as

 [rapc] Error!: Error: java compiler failed: javac -source 1.3 -target 1.3 -g -O -d C:\DOCUME~1\rakesh\LOCALS~1\Temp\rapc_4064de32.dir -bootclas ...

and the detailed issue of the enter link description here

I think it is not using or detecting net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar file.Can anyone help me on this

Buildfile: D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\MainBBMApp\buildtest.xml



 [rapc] Compiling 1 source files to BBMInterface.cod
 [rapc] Warning!: No definition found for exported static item: .libMain(String[])


 [rapc] Compiling 1 source files to BBMImpl.cod
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ package net.rim.blackberry.api.bbm.platform does not exist
 [rapc] import net.rim.blackberry.api.bbm.platform.BBMPlatformApplication;
 [rapc]                                           ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ package net.rim.blackberry.api.bbm.platform does not exist
 [rapc] import net.rim.blackberry.api.bbm.platform.BBMPlatformContext;
 [rapc]                                           ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ package net.rim.blackberry.api.bbm.platform does not exist
 [rapc] import net.rim.blackberry.api.bbm.platform.BBMPlatformManager;
 [rapc]                                           ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol: class BBMBridge
 [rapc] public final class BBMBridgeImpl extends BBMBridge {
 [rapc]                                          ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : class BBMPlatformContext
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]     BBMPlatformContext _context;
 [rapc]     ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : class BBMPlatformApplication
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]     private final BBMPlatformApplication _bbmApp = new BBMPlatformApplication(UUID);
 [rapc]                   ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : variable BBMBridge
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]         if (BBMBridge.getInstance() == null) {
 [rapc]             ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : class BBMBridge
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]             BBMBridge instance = new BBMBridgeImpl();
 [rapc]             ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : variable BBMBridge
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]             BBMBridge.setInstance(instance);
 [rapc]             ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : class BBMPlatformApplication
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]     private final BBMPlatformApplication _bbmApp = new BBMPlatformApplication(UUID);
 [rapc]                                                        ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : variable BBMPlatformManager
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]         _context = BBMPlatformManager.register(_bbmApp);
 [rapc]                    ^
 [rapc] D:\RakeshBBWorkspace\testmessenger\BBMImpl\src\mypackage\ cannot find symbol
 [rapc] symbol  : variable BBMPlatformContext
 [rapc] location: class mypackage.BBMBridgeImpl
 [rapc]              if (error == BBMPlatformContext.ACCESS_BLOCKED_BY_USER) {
 [rapc]                           ^
 [rapc] 12 errors
 [rapc] Error!: Error: java compiler failed: javac -source 1.3 -target 1.3 -g -O -d C:\DOCUME~1\rakesh\LOCALS~1\Temp\rapc_4064de32.dir -bootclas ...

Besides i tried adding like this way

<target name = "build-Impl" depends="build-Interface" >
    <rapc destdir="release\5.0" output="BBMImpl" >
        <jdp  title="BBM Implementation" 
            vendor="My Systems" 
            systemmodule = "true"
            description="BBMImpl" runonstartup="true" startuptier="6"

            <fileset dir="../BBMImpl/src">
                <include name="**/*.java" />

         <import location="lib/net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar" />

So it searches for lib in MainBBMApp,So how could i make it search in BBMImpl library project,

or else Should i make the ant build separate for this partalone which in creates jar file,and then can i be using this jar file in my main build file of the app.