I have 2 tables. Table A has Date, ISBN (for Book), Demand(demand for that date). Table B has Date, ISBN (for Book), and SalesRank.
The sample data is as follows: The DailyBookFile has 150k records for each date, from year 2010 (i.e. 150k * 365 days * 8 years) rows. Same goes with SalesRank Table having about 500k records for each date
Date Isbn13 CurrentModifiedDemandTotal
20180122 9780955153075 13
20180122 9780805863567 9
20180122 9781138779396 1
20180122 9780029001516 9
20180122 9780470614150 42
importdate ISBN13 SalesRank
20180122 9780029001516 69499
20180122 9780470614150 52879
20180122 9780805863567 832429
20180122 9780955153075 44528
20180122 9781138779396 926435
Required Output
Date Avg_Rank Book_Group
20180122 385154 Elite
20180121 351545 Elite
20180120 201545 Elite
I want to get the Top 200 CurrentModifiedDemand for each day, and take the average Rank.
I am unable to work out a solution as I am new to SQL.
I started with getting the Top 200 CurrentModifiedDemand for yesterday and get the Avg Rank over last year.
SELECT DBF.Filedate AS [Date],
AVG(AMA.SalesRank) AS Avg_Rank,
'Elite' AS Book_Group
FROM [ODS].[wholesale].[DailyBookFile] AS DBF
INNER JOIN [ODS].[MarketplaceMonitor].[SalesRank] AS AMA ON (DBF.Isbn13 = AMA.ISBN13
AND DBF.FileDate = AMA.importdate)
WHERE DBF.Isbn13 IN (SELECT TOP 200 Isbn13
FROM [ODS].[wholesale].[DailyBookFile]
WHERE FileDate = 20180122
AND CAST(CurrentModifiedDemandTotal AS int) > 200)
AND DBF.Filedate > 20170101
GROUP BY DBF.Filedate;
But the result is not what I want. So, now I want the ISBN for the Top 200 CurrentModifiedDemand for each day and their avg rank. I tried with this.
DECLARE @i int;
SET @i = 20180122;
FROM [ODS].[wholesale].[DailyBookFile] AS DBF
WHERE DBF.Filedate = @i) IS NOT NULL
SELECT DBF.Filedate AS [Date],
AVG(AMA.SalesRank) AS Avg_Rank,
'Elite' AS Book_Group
FROM [ODS].[wholesale].[DailyBookFile] AS DBF
INNER JOIN [ODS].[MarketplaceMonitor].[SalesRank] as AMA ON DBF.Isbn13 = AMA.ISBN13
AND DBF.FileDate = AMA.importdate
WHERE DBF.Isbn13 in (SELECT TOP 200 Isbn13
FROM [ODS].[wholesale].[DailyBookFile]
WHERE FileDate = @i
AND CAST (CurrentModifiedDemandTotal AS int) > 500)
AND DBF.Filedate = @i
GROUP BY DBF.Filedate;
SET @i = @i+1;
In this I am getting one select query result in each window. Is there any way to have the result in a single table?
P.S. The list of top 200 books every day will change according to the CurrentModifiedDemand. I want to take their avg. sales rank for that day.