
If a Rubocop rule is disabled in-line does it need

2019-07-15 03:52发布


If you disable a Rubocop rule in-line and do not re-enable it, will the rule be disabled for all subsequence files or is an in-line disable limited to the scope of the current file?

For example, if I enter this before a couple of methods that I know break the line length rule:

# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength

Is this rule disable for the rest of the file, or for all subsequent files in the current scan?


In-line config is applied to the given file only (just tested it).


You can also disable rubocop with a comment following some code, which disables it only for that line. For example:

def update # rubocop:disable Style/EmptyMethod

This can be nice if you want to say "yes I know this method has too many lines" or something without needing to remember to turn the cop back on.

标签: ruby rubocop