I'm learning about constraint programming and recursive programming in
Prolog. I have to programm a koch-curve of Level N which should start at (Sx,Sy)
and end at (Ex,Ey)
.The line-segments, which are being calculated, will be stored in Ls.
When I try to execute generatelines(1,(60,0),(-60,0),Ls)
, I get the right 4
coordinates of the koch-curve of level 1:
[[ (60, 0), (20, 0)],
[ (20, 0), (0.0, -34.64)],
[ (0.0, -34.64), (-20, 0)],
[ (-20, 0), (-60, 0)]]
When I try to execute generatelines(2,(60,0),(-60,0),Ls)
, then I get
all the coordinates between the next start (60,0)
and end point (20,0)
But I even need all coordinates between following start and endpoints:
(20, 0), (0.0, -34.64),
(0.0, -34.64), (-20, 0),
(-20, 0), (-60, 0)
My problem is, I don't know how to implement it, to get the coordinates
of a higher level.
Actually I think the following should happen:
Maybe there is somebody here to help me solving this problem.
This is the code I have until now:
- consult(library(clpfd)).
generatelines(0,_,_,Ls):- !.
generatelines(N, (Sx,Sy),(Ex,Ey),[Ls|Ls1]):-
N1 is N-1,
X2 is Sx+(Ex-Sx)/3,
Y2 is Sy+(Ey-Sy)/3,
R1 is sqrt((X2-Sx)*(X2-Sx)+(Y2-Ey)*(Y2-Ey)),
Phi1 is atan((Y2-Sy)/(X2-Sx)),
X3 is X2 +R1*cos((Phi1-240)*pi/180),
Y3 is Y2 +R1*sin((Phi1+240)*pi/180),
X4 is X2+(X2-Sx),
Y4 is Y2+(Y2-Sy),
Ls = [