
Copy all files but change the name of some automat

2019-07-15 01:27发布


I am trying to create a yeoman generator where I have to copy from templatePath to destinationPath some files and folders, but I would want to have some of this files with a variable that yeoman could change by one of the user's inputs.

like: "<%=name%>-plugin.php" -> "hello-plugin.php"

I saw some references that this can be done but I can't find how.

I am doing right now:

//Copy the configuration files
    app: function () {
          name: this.props.pluginName,
          name_function: this.props.pluginName.replace('-', '_'),
          name_class: this.props.className,
          description: this.props.pluginDescription

I thought that with that code my <%=name%> would magically changed on copyTpl but it doesn't work


This is not possible anymore. The feature was bloated and was removed at some point in 2015.

For now, just rename the file:

this.fs.copy('name.js', 'new-name.js')


I've just found the solution:

Use this.registerTransformStream(); to pipe all files through some node.js script.

var rename = require("gulp-rename");
//other dependecies...

module.exports = yeoman.Base.extend({

    //some other things generator do...

    writing: function() {
        var THAT = this;
        this.registerTransformStream(rename(function(path) {
            path.basename = path.basename.replace(/(666replacethat666)/g, THAT.props.appName);
            path.dirname = path.dirname.replace(/(666replacethat666)/g, THAT.props.appName);
            this.destinationPath(), {
                appName: this.props.appName

I'm using here gulp-rename to change file names to something else.

Assuming that this.props.appName == "myFirstApp", this:


will change its name to



Following @piotrek answer, I made a function to replace all props with some pattern (like ejs does) -> $$[your prop name]$$. warning: ES6 inside

var rename = require("gulp-rename");
//other dependecies...

module.exports = yeoman.Base.extend({

//some other things generator do...

  writing: function() {
    this.registerTransformStream(rename((path) => {
      for (let prop in this.props) {
        let regexp = new RegExp('\\$\\$' + prop + '\\$\\$', 'g')
        path.basename = path.basename.replace(regexp, this.props[prop]);
        path.dirname = path.dirname.replace(regexp, this.props[prop]);
        this.destinationPath(), {
            appName: this.props.appName


Let's assume you have this.props.appname = MyApp and this.props.AnotherProps = Test and you want to rename file or folder.

Name your file or folder MyFile$$appname$$.js -> MyFileMyApp.js

Name your file or folder $$appname$$.js -> MyApp.js

Name your file or folder $$AnotherProps$$.js -> Test.js