I made an Azure Cloud Service, where you can upload and delete files to the cloud storage using Blobs. I wrote sucessfully a method where you can delete the uploaded blobs from the cloud service:
public string DeleteImage(string Name)
Uri uri = new Uri(Name);
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath);
CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = _blobStorageService.GetCloudBlobContainer();
CloudBlockBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(filename);
return "File Deleted";
Here is also the code for View with HTML:
ViewBag.Title = "Upload";
<h2>Upload Image</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("Upload", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype =
"multipart/form-data" }))
<input type="file" name="image"/>
<input type="submit" value="upload" />
<ul style="list-style-position:Outside;padding:0;">
@foreach (var item in Model)
<img src="@item" alt="image here" width="100" height="100" />
<a id="@item" href="#" onclick="deleteImage ('@item');">Delete</a>
function deleteImage(item) {
var url = "/Home/DeleteImage";
$.post(url, { Name: item }, function (data){
window.location.href = "/Home/Upload";
Now I want to write a similiar method so you can download each blob from the View. I tried to write the methode using exactly the same code from the delete but instead of
This didn't work though. Is there a possibility to change the delete method so it downloads the chosen blob instead of deleting it?
Added Info
Here is the code of DownloadToFile method:
public string DownloadImage(string Name)
Uri uri = new Uri(Name);
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath);
CloudBlobContainer blobContainer =
CloudBlockBlob blob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(filename);
blob.DownloadToFile(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create);
return "File Downloaded";
The name is just the whole filename that is uploaded. Filename is the data path.
The Exception I get is:
UnauthorizedAccessException: The access to the path "C:\Program Files\IIS Express\Eva Passwort.docx" is denied.]
I think that the problem is that my application doesn't have a path to save the file. Is there a possibility to get a dialog where I can chose the path to save?