I want to learn YAML (and use it with C++) but i'm stuck trying to setup YAML-Cpp. Let me explain what i've done so far.
- I downloaded the source code (version 0.5.1)
- Installed Cmake (for Windows)
- Installed the Boost libraries (precompiled for Visual Studio 2010)
- Built the solution and the INSTALL project
- Then i got two folders on my C drive: include and lib
- Then i moved it to another folder on my D drive (maybe it's relevant)
For testing, i created a project in V Express and tried to compile this:
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
int main()
YAML::Emitter out;
out << "Hello, World!";
std::cout << "Here's the output YAML:\n" << out.c_str();
return 0;
The new result:
d:\development\yamlcpp 0.51\include\yaml-cpp\node\ptr.h(10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp': No such file or directory
Can somebody please tell me what is the right way to build and configure this library?