So, the following example is obviously contrived but I tried to keep some verisimilitude to my actual situation. Now that I've whittled this down, I am sure I am missing something obvious. Consider a couple of types and a restricted Union:
from typing import Union, TypeVar, Optional, Generic, overload
class Foo:
def __init__(self, x: int)-> None:
self.x = x
def frobnicate(self) -> 'Foo':
return Foo((self.x + 42) // 42)
class Bar:
def __init__(self, y: int) -> None:
self.y = y
def frobnicate(self) -> 'Bar':
return Bar(self.y + 88)
MyType = TypeVar('MyType', Foo, Bar)
class Container(Generic[MyType]):
val: Optional[MyType]
def __init__(self, val: Optional[MyType]=None) -> None:
self.val = val
def transmogrify(arg: Optional[MyType]) -> Optional[MyType]:
if arg is None:
return None
return arg.frobnicate()
def extract_stuff(x: Optional[int], cont: Container[MyType]) -> Optional[MyType]:
result: Optional[MyType]
if x is None:
result = None
elif x == 88 or x == 42:
result = transmogrify(cont.val)
result = cont.val
return result
When I try to type-check this with mypy, I get the following errors: error: Value of type variable "MyType" of "transmogrify" cannot be "Optional[Foo]" error: Value of type variable "MyType" of "transmogrify" cannot be "Optional[Bar]"
I cannot make sense of this. I suspect it is a problem of the many nested unions? Note, in my actual code, I am using a custom singleton enum Null
, so wherever you see Optional[Something]
it's actually Union[Something, Null]
, but I don't think that makes a difference.
Now, if I remove the Optional
, i.e. Union
, it all plays nice:
from typing import Union, TypeVar, Optional, Generic, overload
class Foo:
def __init__(self, x: int)-> None:
self.x = x
def frobnicate(self) -> 'Foo':
return Foo((self.x + 42) // 42)
class Bar:
def __init__(self, y: int) -> None:
self.y = y
def frobnicate(self) -> 'Bar':
return Bar(self.y + 88)
MyType = TypeVar('MyType', Foo, Bar)
class Container(Generic[MyType]):
val: MyType
def __init__(self, val: MyType) -> None:
self.val = val
def transmogrify(arg: MyType) -> MyType:
if arg is None:
return None
return arg.frobnicate()
def extract_stuff(x: int, cont: Container[MyType]) -> MyType:
if x is None:
return None
elif x == 88 or x == 42:
return transmogrify(cont.val)
return cont.val
What am I missing about Union's here?
Note, I've tried abstracting out a base-class, and having Foo
and Bar
derive from an abstract base class class MyType(metaclass=abc.Meta)
, but a very similar error pops up.
Edit to Add:
(py37) Juans-MBP: juan$ mypy --version
mypy 0.620