Hey all so I have to get values from a text file, but the values don't stand alone they are all written as this:
Population size: 30
Is there any way in c++ that I can read from after the ':'? I've tried using the >> operator like:
string pop;
inFile >> pop;
but off course the whitespace terminates the statement before it gets to the number and for some reason using
inFile.getline(pop, 20);
gives me loads of errors because it does not want to write directly to string for some reason.. I don't really want to use a char array because then it won't be as easy to test for the number and extract that alone from the string. So is there anyway I can use the getline function with a string? And is it possible to read from after the ':' character?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
string fname;
cin >> fname;
ifstream inFile;
string pop1;
cout << pop1;
return 0;
ok so here is my code with the new getline, but it still outputs nothing. it does correctly open the text file and it works with a char array