Input: I have some 50000 points in a xy plane as shown in the below picture.
Now, I need to get all the possible points in a triangular ROI. How to get it. It can can be opencv or Matlab.
The below is the sample where I need to get the possible points of the triangular areas.
MATLAB has an inpolygon
command: inpolygon.
For example, this code
xv = [0.1 0.4 0.15 0.1]; yv = [0 0.4 0.8 0];
x = rand(250,1); y = rand(250,1);
in = inpolygon(x,y,xv,yv);
generates a picture like this:
Something like this, in c++?
Mat plane = imread("plane.png"); // this is the 50 000 pixel plane image
// I assume your triangles are here. E.e. findContours function would save them here, but I don't know your situation.
vector<vector<Point> > triangles;
// this size is something like 1000, so here are only points that should be checkedd if they are inside some triangle
vector<Point> points;
// lets loop all rois and check if point is inside one of them
for (int j = 0; j < triangles.size(); j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
double test = pointPolygonTest(trigangles[j], points[i] false);
if (test < 0) {
cout << " point " << points[i] << " is outside of triangle " << j << endl;
} else if (test > 0) {
cout << " point " << points[i] << " is inside of triangle " << j << endl;
} else if (test == 0) {
cout << " point " << points[i] << " is on edge of triangle " << j << endl;
for more info:
here is OpenCV's example:
In OpenCV, you can quickly filter out the points that are not in the minimal bounding rectangle for each triangle. This rectangle can be previously computed by hand or with cv::boundingRect(). The hit test is done with Rect::contains(). This is a fast operation (at least much faster than cv::pointPolygonTest)and this will filter out the points that are obviously not in any triangle. Afterward, you test the points that pass the filter with cv::pointPolygonTest().
That is:
std::vector<cv::Point> pointList;
std::vector<cv::Rect> rectList;
std::vector<std::vector<Point>> triangleList;
for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < pointList.size(); pointIndex++)
for (int rectIndex = 0; rectIndex < rectList.size(); rectIndex++)
if (!rectList[rectIndex].contains(pointList[pointIndex]))
if (cv::pointPolygonTest(triangleList[rectIndex], pointList[pointIndex], false) < 0)
/* TODO Mark the point for future use */