linux shell scripting: hex string to bytes

2019-01-13 04:26发布


Lets say that I have a string 5a. This is the hex representation of the ASCII letter Z. I need to know a Linux shell command which will take a hex string and output the binary bytes the string represents.

So if I do

echo 5a | command_im_looking_for > temp.txt

and I open temp.txt, I will see a solitary letter Z.


echo -n 5a | perl -pe 's/([0-9a-f]{2})/chr hex $1/gie'

Note that this won't skip non-hex characters. If you want just the hex (no whitespace from the original string etc):

echo 5a | perl -ne 's/([0-9a-f]{2})/print chr hex $1/gie'

Also, zsh and bash support this natively in echo:

echo -e '\x5a'


I used to do this using xxd

echo -n 5a | xxd -r -p

But then I realised that in Debian/Ubuntu, xxd is part of vim-common and hence might not be present in a minimal system. To also avoid perl (imho also not part of a minimal system) I ended up using sed, xargs and printf like this:

echo -n 5a | sed 's/\([0-9A-F]\{2\}\)/\\\\\\x\1/gI' | xargs printf

Mostly I only want to convert a few bytes and it's okay for such tasks. The advantage of this solution over the one of ghostdog74 is, that this can convert hex strings of arbitrary lengths automatically. xargs is used because printf doesnt read from standard input.


You can make it through echo only and without the other stuff. Don't forget to add "-n" or you will get a linebreak automatically:

echo -n -e "\x5a"


Bash one-liner

echo -n "5a" | while read -N2 code; do printf "\x$code"; done


depending on where you got that "5a', you can just append \x to it and pass to printf

$ a=5a
$ a="\x${a}"
$ printf "$a"


dc can convert between numeric bases:

$ echo 5a | (echo 16i; tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'; echo P) | dc


Some python3 one-liners that work with any number of bytes.

Decoding hex (with strip, so that it's ok to have a newline on stdin):

$ echo 666f6f0a | python3 -c "import sys, binascii; sys.stdout.buffer.write(binascii.unhexlify(input().strip()))"

Encoding hex:

$ echo foo | python3 -c "import sys, binascii; print(binascii.hexlify("


echo 5a | python -c "import sys; print chr(int(,base=16))"


Here is a pure bash script (as printf is a bash builtin) :

#warning : spaces do matter
die(){ echo "$@" >&2;exit 1;}


test $((${#p} & 1)) == 0 || die "length is odd"
p2=''; for ((i=0; i<${#p}; i+=2));do p2=$p2\\x${p:$i:2};done
printf "$p2"

If bash is already running, this should be faster than any other solution which is launching a new process.


GNU awk 4.1

awk -niord '$0=chr("0x"RT)' RS=.. ORS=

Note that if you echo to this it will produce an extra null byte

$ echo 595a | awk -niord '$0=chr("0x"RT)' RS=.. ORS= | od -tx1c
0000000  59  5a  00
          Y   Z  \0

Instead use printf

$ printf 595a | awk -niord '$0=chr("0x"RT)' RS=.. ORS= | od -tx1c
0000000  59  5a
          Y   Z

Also note that GNU awk produces UTF-8 by default

$ printf a1 | awk -niord '$0=chr("0x"RT)' RS=.. ORS= | od -tx1
0000000 c2 a1

If you are dealing with characters outside of ASCII, and you are going to be Base64 encoding the resultant string, you can disable UTF-8 with -b

echo 5a | sha256sum | awk -bniord 'RT~/\w/,$0=chr("0x"RT)' RS=.. ORS=


Similar to my answer here: Linux shell scripting: hex number to binary string

You can do it with the same tool like this (using ascii printable character instead of 5a):

echo -n 616263 | cryptocli dd -decoders hex

Will produce the following result:



As per @Randal comment, you can use perl, e.g.

$ printf 5a5a5a5a | perl -lne 'print pack "H*", $_'

and other way round:

$ printf ZZZZ | perl -lne 'print unpack "H*", $_'

Another example with file:

$ printf 5a5a5a5a | perl -lne 'print pack "H*", $_' > file.bin
$ perl -lne 'print unpack "H*", $_' < file.bin