I'm working on a project with Meteor. I've tried loading javascript files using script tags but of course that won't work. These same files I've tried loading using script tags, I've also just saved as files and placed them in the lib folder so they could be loaded last. There is also an internal script that has issues loading. I even tried removing the (function(){ part and closing part of the function because I know it'll already be placed into a function with Meteor. How can I get the code below and other js files/scripts to run properly with Meteor?
(function() {
// Base template
var base_tpl =
"<!doctype html>\n" +
"<html>\n\t" +
"<head>\n\t\t" +
"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n\t\t" +
"<title>Test</title>\n\n\t\t\n\t" +
"</head>\n\t" +
"<body>\n\t\n\t" +
"</body>\n" +
var prepareSource = function() {
var html = html_editor.getValue(),
css = css_editor.getValue(),
js = js_editor.getValue(),
src = '';
src = base_tpl.replace('</body>', html + '</body>');
css = '<style>' + css + '</style>';
src = src.replace('</head>', css + '</head>');
js = '<script>' + js + '<\/script>';
src = src.replace('</body>', js + '</body>');
return src;
var render = function() {
var source = prepareSource();
var iframe = document.querySelector('#output iframe'),
iframe_doc = iframe.contentDocument;
var cm_opt = {
mode: 'text/html',
gutter: true,
lineNumbers: true,
var html_box = document.querySelector('#html textarea');
var html_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(html_box, cm_opt);
html_editor.on('change', function (inst, changes) {
cm_opt.mode = 'css';
var css_box = document.querySelector('#css textarea');
var css_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(css_box, cm_opt);
css_editor.on('change', function (inst, changes) {
cm_opt.mode = 'javascript';
var js_box = document.querySelector('#js textarea');
var js_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(js_box, cm_opt);
js_editor.on('change', function (inst, changes) {
Fixing the Height of CodeMirror.
You might want to do this in CSS instead
of JS and override the styles from the main
var cms = document.querySelectorAll('.CodeMirror');
for (var i = 0; i < cms.length; i++) {
cms[i].style.position = 'absolute';
cms[i].style.top = '30px';
cms[i].style.bottom = '0';
cms[i].style.left = '0';
cms[i].style.right = '0';
cms[i].style.height = '100%';
/*cms = document.querySelectorAll('.CodeMirror-scroll');
for (i = 0; i < cms.length; i++) {
cms[i].style.height = '100%';