What is the equivalent of the has_many 'condit

2019-01-13 04:34发布


Can someone tell me what is the equivalent way to do the following line in Rails 4?

has_many :friends, :through => :friendships, :conditions => "status = 'accepted'", :order => :first_name

I tried the following:

has_many :friends, -> { where status: 'accepted' }, :through => :friendships , :order => :first_name

But I get the following error:

Invalid mix of scope block and deprecated finder options on ActiveRecord association: User.has_many :friends


Needs to be the second arg:

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :orders, -> { where processed: true }



Put the order inside the block:

has_many :friends, -> { where(friendship: {status: 'accepted'}).order('first_name DESC') }, :through => :friendships


While other answers on here are technically correct, they violate encapsulation. The User model should not know that the Friendship model has a column called status, and that it can have a specific value like accepted.

If you decide to make a change, to take advantage of Enums in Rails 4, for example, you would have to change both User and Friendship models. This could lead to bugs that maintaining encapsulation avoids.

I would expose a scope in the Friendship model:

scope :accepted, -> { where(status: :accepted) }

I would then use this scope in the User model, hiding any implementation details from User.

has_many :friendships, -> { Friendship.accepted }
has_many :friends, through: :friendships

# Or...

has_many :friends, -> { Friendship.accepted }, through: :friendships

You can go further and rename the scope to accepted_friendships to be clearer.

has_many :accepted_friendships, -> { Friendship.accepted }
has_many :friends, through: :accepted_friendships

Now you have successfully encapsulated implementation details in their respective models. Should anything change you only have one place to change it, reducing maintenance and increasing robustness.


A Rails 3.2 version of Mohamad's answer would be the following:

class Friend < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :friendships, :order => :first_name

  has_many :friends, :through => :friendships,
           :conditions => proc { Friendship.accepted.where_ast }

  has_many :pending_friends, :through => :friendships,
           class_name => Friend,
           :conditions => proc { Friendship.pending.where_ast }

class Friendship < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :status, ->(status) { where(:status => status) }
  scope :accepted, -> { status('accepted') }
  scope :pending, -> { where(arel_table[:status].not_eq('accepted')) } 


  • where_ast is important as it returns the AREL nodes that are required for the condition to work
  • within the proc passed to :conditions, self is not always a model instance (e.g. when the association is merged with another query)
  • Using raw SQL within your scopes and associations will likely cause issues at some point to do with namespacing of table names... use AREL.


In order to work on Rails 4.1 (my case), i had to put:

has_many :friends, -> { where(friendships: { status: 'accepted' }) }, through: :friendships

Note the S on friendships. It refers directly to the database name.


has_many :friends, -> { where(status: 'accepted').order('frist_name')}, through: :friendships


has_many :friends, -> { where(status: 'accepted').order(:frist_name)}, through: :friendships