This is a function that appends Pivot table to google sheet. And it creates a pivot table as shown: .
public void appendPivotTableTemplate(String spreadsheetId,int sheetid , String title) throws Exception{
List<Request> sheetsRequests = new ArrayList<>();
List<RowData> rdata = new ArrayList<>();
List<CellData> cdata = new ArrayList<>();
List<PivotGroup> pgroup_row = new ArrayList<>();
List<PivotGroup> pgroup_col = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, PivotFilterCriteria> colcriteria = new HashMap<>();
List<String> colval = Arrays.asList("Completed in Time", "Completed after Time", "Not completed");
List<PivotValue> pvalue = new ArrayList<>();
colcriteria.put("5",new PivotFilterCriteria().setVisibleValues(colval)); // 5 is the column offset for the Status( (26,5) in Grid Offset)
pgroup_row.add(new PivotGroup()
.setSourceColumnOffset(2) // for week
pgroup_col.add(new PivotGroup()
.setSourceColumnOffset(5) // for status
pvalue.add(new PivotValue().setSourceColumnOffset(5).setSummarizeFunction("COUNTA").setName("Count of Task")); //
cdata.add(new CellData().setPivotTable(new
.setSource(new GridRange()
The pivot table is created in the same sheet where the source data is. The issue is whenever I click any cells in the pivot table, It pops unable to load file and asks to refresh the page anytime.
Is this issue with google sheet API? Or am I missing something here?