How to take screen shot from a layout in ionic/cor

2019-07-14 07:40发布


I'm trying to build a cordova based application using ionic. In my application , there is a section which users can select images from our server and move them or do some actions on it(like zoom & rotate ...). At the end I want them to be able to share the result on our website and social medias. My problem is that how can I take a screen shot from the layout which they build it? I've already seen html2canvas library , but it has a problem with out source images that are saved on our server and does not take screen shot of them.


Install the following plugin to your project

cordova plugin add

Add this service to your angular module

.service('$cordovaScreenshot', ['$q', function($q) {
    return {
        capture: function(filename, extension, quality) {
            extension = extension || 'jpg';
            quality = quality || '100';

            var defer = $q.defer();

  , res) {
                if (error) {
                } else {
                    console.log('screenshot saved in: ', res.filePath);
            }, extension, quality, filename);

            return defer.promise;

Than, you can simply add a button to take a screen shot with this service.

I have a nice example here for taking a screenshot and share it on Facebook:

//Take a picture
     .then(function(result) {
          //on success you get the image url

          //post on facebook (image & link can be null)
            .shareViaFacebook("Text to post here...", result, "Link to share")
                  .then(function(result) {
                        //do something on post success or ignore it...
                   }, function(err) {
                        console.log("there was an error sharing!");
     }, function(err) {
         console.log("there was an error taking a a screenshot!");

Please note that this example uses the social sharing plugin by ngCordova:


file Screenshot.js to:

var formats = ['png','jpg'];

function Screenshot() {
} = function (callback,format,quality, filename) {
    format = (format || 'png').toLowerCase();
    filename = filename || 'screenshot_'+Math.round((+(new Date()) + Math.random()));
    if(formats.indexOf(format) === -1){
        return callback && callback(new Error('invalid format '+format));
    quality = typeof(quality) !== 'number'?100:quality;
        callback && callback(null,res);
    }, function(error){
        callback && callback(error);
    }, "Screenshot", "saveScreenshot", [format, quality, filename]);

Screenshot.install = function () {
      if (!window.plugins) {
        window.plugins = {};

      window.plugins.screenshot = new Screenshot();
      return window.plugins.screenshot;


This way I can make the call with the following code:,res){
            alert('ok',res.filePath); //should be path/to/myScreenshot.jpg

This worked perfectly on my Android smartphone.

I also added in res / xml / config.xml file:

<feature name="Screenshot">
    <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.screenshot.Screenshot"/>

In the AndroidManifest.xml file:

And added the java class in the following package: org.apache.cordova.screenshot.Screenshot

All these configurations have the information in the plugin.xml file of the plugin


The easiest way is to use this plugin:
