I have the following Options using for the Graph
<div ui-jq="plot" ui-options="
{ data: [ [1,6.5],[2,6.5],[3,7],[4,8],[5,7.5],[8,7],[7,6.8],[8,7],[9,7.2],[10,7],[11,6.8],[12,7] ], points: { show: true, radius: 6}, splines: { show: true, tension: 0.45, lineWidth: 4, fill: 0 } },
{ data: [ [1,1.5],[2,2.5],[3,3],[4,4],[5,5.5],[6,7],[7,6.8],[8,7],[9,7.2],[10,7],[11,6.8],[12,7] ], points: { show: true, radius: 6}, splines: { show: true, tension: 0.45, lineWidth: 5, fill: 0 } }
colors: ['#23b7e5', '#1337e5'],
series: { shadowSize: 3, stack: true },
font: { color: '#ccc' },
position: 'bottom',
ticks: [
[ 1, 'Jan' ], [ 2, 'Feb' ], [ 3, 'Mar' ], [ 4, 'Apr' ], [ 5, 'May' ], [ 6, 'Jun' ], [ 7, 'Jul' ], [ 8, 'Aug' ], [ 9, 'Sep' ], [ 10, 'Oct' ], [ 11, 'Nov' ], [ 12, 'Dec' ]
yaxis:{ font: { color: '#ccc' } },
grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, borderWidth: 0, color: '#ccc' },
tooltip: true,
tooltipOpts: { content: '%x.1 is %y.4', defaultTheme: false, shifts: { x: 0, y: 20 } }
" style="height:240px" >
But this generates the following
Is there any way to make it stack so that the user knows that there is content for the first line as well which actually bellow the top line.