My javascript creates a line of html.
That html has an onclick event call to openSingle()
I need to pass a variable into that function.
When I check the dev panel when it runs, i get
The only thing that is missing is the quotes around the id
But if i try to code in the quotes, it breaks the html and then puts everything out of order.
Here is my line of code and all the pertaining variables.
var iconImage = '<img src="../../resources/images/annotation-icon.png" style="float:left; margin-left:20px; margin-right:0px;"onclick="openSingle('+findID+')"/>';
var paragraph = '<p id="Manual-para" class="colorMe"><a href="';
var redirect = linkMe + '#' + findID;
var manName = section.childNodes( x ).getAttribute( "manualName" );
var workPack = section.childNodes( x ).getAttribute( "workPacket" );
document.getElementById( "annotateBody" ).innerHTML += iconImage + paragraph + redirect + '">' + annotationTitle + ' - ' + manName + ' - ' + workPack + '</a></p>';
You can escape quotes with a backslash like so
var iconImage = '<img src="../../resources/images/annotation-icon.png" style="float:left; margin-left:20px; margin-right:0px;"onclick="openSingle(\''+findID+'\')"/>';
and as other comments suggested you should ideally avoid inline Javascript
Escape the single quotes, like this:
var iconImage = '<img src="../../resources/images/annotation-icon.png" style="float:left; margin-left:20px; margin-right:0px;"onclick="openSingle(\''+findID+'\')"/>';
try adding \'
will fix the problem
var iconImage = '<img src="../../resources/images/annotation-icon.png" style="float:left; margin-left:20px; margin-right:0px;"onclick="openSingle(\''+findID+'\;)"/>';
Here is the answer: with escaping character \ for ' character
var iconImage = '<img src="../../resources/images/annotation-icon.png" style="float:left; margin-left:20px; margin-right:0px;"onclick="openSingle(\''+findID+'\;)"/>';
Also try concating ‘
One thing you could try doing is attach the onclick after you create the DOM node. This lets you be as flexible as you want and avoids having to eval strings and other things like that.
var domnode = /* get the image tag */
domnode.onclick = function(){ openSingle(findId) }