When creating a client ID for Android in the Google Cloud Platform developer console, I get the following popup:
Duplicate fingerprint
The fingerprint you specified is already used by an Android OAuth2 client ID in this project or another project
As the popup states, I do have another project that has the same SHA-1 fingerprint. What I don't understand is why I can't use the same SHA-1 fingerprint (signing certificate) with multiple projects?
This has serious implications if you use the same debug or release signing certificates for multiple Android apps. This isn't a huge deal for debug certificates, since you can always create a new one, however if you've already used the same release certificate to sign multiple production Android apps, can you not create separate Google Cloud projects for each app?
Is this a bug, or can you really not use the same Android signing certificate for multiple Google Cloud projects?
Is it a best practice to always use a new release signing certificate for every Android app?