My team is currently working on a web application with angular 7 front end and .net core 2.1 back-end. One of tasks i need to do is to grab a screenshot and attach it to an email. The web application has an esri-map.
For the purposes of capturing the screenshot i am using html2canvas package. It works as expected except for the part that it doesn't capture the esri map content. It captures everything else except the esri-map.
For the html2canvas function call, i set the allowTaint property and useCORS property to true. I did some further research and i came across the proxy property for html2canvas. It made me think, that could be the reason why the map is not being generated. I cant seem to find any clear instructions on how to set up a proxy for arcgis. I was wondering if someone could help me with this. any direction or help will be greatly appreciated. following snippet is my html2canvas call. html2canvas
html2canvas(document.getElementById('mapContainer'), { useCORS: true, logging: true, allowTaint: true }).then((canvas) => {
console.log("Document html2canvas");
screenCapture = canvas.toDataURL();
Update Jan 11 2018
I reached out to Esri regarding this and their response was , we dont support angular 7, we only support Javascript. I asked them , what if i use the print task instead of html2canvas .
This is my code snippet using print task. hope this might help someone.
This is a function i wrote in one of the services to capture the map. it seems to work fine. I don't know if there is any overhead of using the utility task url provided by arcgis or using your own server to render these screenshots. For some reason , it didn't work when i used the my servers print task utility URL.
note : in the below code snippet => is the arrow function =>
screenCapture(): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
loadModules(['esri/tasks/PrintTask', 'esri/tasks/support/PrintTemplate', 'esri/tasks/support/PrintParameters']).then(([PrintTask, PrintTemplate, PrintParameters]) => {
try {
var printTask = new PrintTask({
url: '',
updateDelay: '3000'
var template = new PrintTemplate({
layout: "map_only",
exportOptions: {
dpi: 96,
width: 1871,
height: 800
var params = new PrintParameters({
view: this.mapView,
template: template
printTask.execute(params).then(res => { console.log(res); resolve(res); });
catch (error) {
} // end ofScreenCapture