I am triyng to write testng listeners for my testing project cucumber, testng, selenium and java.
I have created Listeners extends TestListenerAdapter and implemented all the methods and included in testng.xml
`<listeners> <listener class-name="TestNGListeners.Listeners"></listener>
`<test name="Smoke">
`<packages> <package name="cucumber.runner.*"> </package>
This xml calling a testrunner class RunCukesTest
`@CucumberOptions(features ="classpath:features",
`glue ="stepDefinitions",
plugin={"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report",
`public class RunCukesTest {
`public void run_cukes () throws IOException {
`System.out.println("Run Cuke is started..");
`TestNGCucumberRunner tr = new TestNGCucumberRunner(getClass());
`tr.runCukes(); }
which is responsible for running all cucumber tests.
After running it I am not getting any response from my listener methods. Please help me to find the solution.
Example -: Whenever I want to run suite or runner these method should work so that I can write my functionality :
public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr){
if( ITestResult.SUCCESS== tr.SUCCESS)
System.out.println("Test result PASS..");