how to add or remove item to the the existing arra

2019-07-14 00:56发布


Firestore has recently add the new new method FieldValue.arrayUnion(value) and FieldValue.arrayRemove(value) but i couldn't find the implementation in flutter cloud_firestore package. Is there any way to achieve this result ?

Firestore addUpdate:


Here is the simple example to show how to update the array values. My document have an up voters array to add the user id's who have up-votes the document.

configure firestore, the config details can be copied form your google-services.json file

   final FirebaseApp app = await FirebaseApp.configure(
    name: 'test',
    options: const FirebaseOptions(
      projectID: 'projid',
      googleAppID: 'appid',
      apiKey: 'api',
      databaseURL: 'your url',
  final Firestore firestore = Firestore(app: app);

  await firestore.settings(timestampsInSnapshotsEnabled: true);

update code using transaction

fireStore.runTransaction((Transaction tx) async {
            DocumentSnapshot snapshot =
                await tx.get(widget._document.reference);
            var doc =;
            if (doc['upvoters'].contains('12345')) {
              await tx.update(snapshot.reference, <String, dynamic>{
                'upvoters': FieldValue.arrayRemove(['12345'])
            } else {
              await tx.update(snapshot.reference, <String, dynamic>{
                'upvoters': FieldValue.arrayUnion(['12345'])

Hope it helps


Update: And now it seems that it is supported! With the version 0.8.0.

And then use FieldValue.arrayUnion and FieldVale.arrayRemove.

There doesn't seems to be a way currently. Please follow the following two github issues: