Stop Mongoose from creating _id property for sub-d

2019-07-14 00:58发布


If you have subdocument arrays, Mongoose automatically creates ids for each one. Example:

    _id: "mainId"
    subDocArray: [
        _id: "unwantedId",
        field: "value"
        _id: "unwantedId",
        field: "value"

Is there a way to tell Mongoose to not create ids for objects within an array?


It's simple, you can define this in the subschema :

var mongoose = require("mongoose");

var subSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    //your subschema content
},{ _id : false });

var schema = mongoose.Schema({
    // schema content
    subSchemaCollection : [subSchema]

var model = mongoose.model('tablename', schema);


You can create sub-documents without schema and avoid _id. Just add _id:false to your subdocument declaration.

var schema = new mongoose.Schema({
      field :{type:String}

This will prevent the creation of an _id field in your subdoc. Tested in Mongoose 3.8.1


Additionally, if you use an object literal syntax for specifying a sub-schema, you may also just add _id: false to supress it.

   sub: {
      property1: String,
      property2: String,
      _id: false


I'm using mongoose 4.6.3 and all I had to do was add _id: false in the schema, no need to make a subschema.

    _id: ObjectId
    subDocArray: [
        _id: false,
        field: "String"


You can use either of the one

var subSchema = mongoose.Schema({
//subschema fields    

},{ _id : false });


var subSchema = mongoose.Schema({
//subschema content
_id : false    


Check your mongoose version before using the second option