I have a Presenter that takes a Service and a View Contract as parameters in its constructor:
public FooPresenter : IFooPresenter {
private IFooView view;
private readonly IFooService service;
public FooPresenter(IFooView view, IFooService service) {
this.view = view;
this.service = service;
I resolve my service with Autofac:
private ContainerProvider BuildDependencies() {
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
return new ContainerProvider(builder.Build());
In my ASPX page (View implementation):
public partial class Foo : Page, IFooView {
private FooPresenter presenter;
public Foo() {
// this is straightforward but not really ideal
// (IoCResolve is a holder for how I hit the container in global.asax)
this.presenter = new FooPresenter(this, IoCResolve<IFooService>());
// I would rather have an interface IFooPresenter so I can do
this.presenter = IoCResolve<IFooPresenter>();
// this allows me to add more services as needed without having to
// come back and manually update this constructor call here
The issue is FooPresenter's constructor expects the specific Page, not for the container to create a new one.
Can I supply a specific instance of the view, the current page, to the container for just this resolution? Does that make sense to do, or should I do this another way?
The way to solve passing what I like to call data parameters when resolving dependencies in Autofac is by using generated factories.
(Update: this question discusses the same problem and my article shows how you can avoid large amounts of factory delegates).
The solution to your problem will look something like this:
First, declare a factory delegate thath only accepts the data parameters:
public delegate IFooPresenter FooPresenterFactory(IFooView view);
Your presenter goes unchanged:
public FooPresenter : IFooPresenter {
private IFooView view;
private readonly IFooService service;
public FooPresenter(IFooView view, IFooService service) {
this.view = view;
this.service = service;
Next the Autofac container setup:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Now in your page you can in two lines of code resolve the presenter by first getting the factory and then calling the factory to do the resolution for you:
public partial class Foo : Page, IFooView {
private FooPresenter presenter;
public Foo() {
var factory = IoCResolve<FooPresenterFactory>();
this.presenter = factory(this);
I actually solved this exact problem and built a framework around it. I used Autofac parameters to pass existing views to the presenter resolution call.
First, I defined a custom resolution interface derived from Autofac's:
public interface IMvpContext : IContext
T View<T>();
which allowed me to register a presenter which resolves the view:
builder.RegisterPresenter(c => new FooPresenter(
using an extension method which wraps Autofac's IContext
in an implementation of IMvpContext
public static IConcreteRegistrar RegisterPresenter<T>(
this ContainerBuilder builder,
Func<IMvpContext, T> creator)
return builder
.Register((context, parameters) => creator(new MvpContext(context, parameters)))
I defined a parameter type representing the view parameter:
public class MvpViewParameter : NamedParameter
public static readonly string ParameterName = typeof(MvpViewParameter).AssemblyQualifiedName;
public MvpViewParameter(object view) : base(ParameterName, view)
It uses its own assembly-qualified type name as the parameter name. This has a very low likelihood of conflicting with legitimate parameters.
passes all standard resolution calls to the base context. For the view, it resolves the parameter with the well-known name:
public sealed class MvpContext : IMvpContext
private IContext _context;
private IEnumerable<Parameter> _resolutionParameters;
public MvpContext(IContext context, IEnumerable<Parameter> resolutionParameters)
_context = context;
_resolutionParameters = resolutionParameters;
#region IContext
// Pass through all calls to _context
#region IMvpContext
public T View<T>()
return _resolutionParameters.Named<T>(MvpViewParameter.ParameterName);
The call to resolve the presenter provides the view parameter:
public partial class Foo : Page, IFooView
private readonly FooPresenter presenter;
public Foo()
this.presenter = IoCResolve<IFooPresenter>(new MvpViewParameter(this));