Table name: Citizen
Firstname Lastname Telephone1 Many other columns......
John Smith 03907625212
Andrew Evans 0807452132
Bill Towny 05907122139
Dame Beaut 07894650569
It should ideally look like this:
Firstname Lastname Telephone1 Many other columns......
John Smith 01907000001
Andrew Evans 01907000002
Bill Towny 01907000003
Dame Beaut 01907000004
Earlier, someone was able to kindly provide a script using the select statement. Script for incrementally creating records
select [First Name],
[Last Name],
[All LP Surname],
[All Liable Partys PIN],
'01907' + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [Last Name]) AS VARCHAR), 6) AS 'Telephone1',
FROM citizen
I would however like the changes to be implemented as I can only view them if I use the above select script.