I have a terrain mountain range with a camera fly view positioned close to the heightmap. The camera is controlled using standard keyboard controls that doesn't allow movement in y axis; it stays on it's set y-axis. Since the terrain is not an even level and randomly renders. How can I get the camera to follow the terrain heightmap? Here is an example. Below is an attempt to add raycaster to scale over the terrain. All code is in the animate function in project. I noticed that when the camera attempts to scale up the terrain. If too steep, it will go straight through. Also, it doesn't follow the terrain as it drops. The camera remains at the highest position.
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(camera.position.clone(), new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0));
var intersections = raycaster.intersectObjects( terrain );
if (intersections.length > 0){
var distance = intersections[0].distance;
if(distance > 0 && distance < 10){
camera.position.y= intersections[0].point.y + 20;