I wrote a C function that checks if two given strings (C-style) are anagrams or not. I try to verify it with Frama-C but it cannot validate the final behaviors of the function (other specifications are valid). The first one goes to timeout (even with very high timeout values in WP) and the second is unknown.
Here is the code:
#include <string.h>
//@ ghost char alphabet[26] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'};
// Takes a character and return it to lowercase if it's uppercase
axiomatic ToLower
logic char to_lower(char c);
axiom lowercase:
\forall char c; 97 <= c <= 122 ==> to_lower(c) == c;
axiom uppercase:
\forall char c; 65 <= c <= 90 ==> to_lower(c) == to_lower((char) (c+32));
// Count the occurences of character 'c' into 'string' that is long 'n' characters
axiomatic CountChar
logic integer count_char(char* string, integer n, char c);
axiom count_zero:
\forall char* string, integer n, char c; n <= 0 ==>
count_char(string, n, c) == 0;
axiom count_hit:
\forall char* string, integer n, char c; n >= 0 && to_lower(string[n]) == c ==>
count_char(string, n+1, c) == count_char(string, n, c) + 1;
axiom count_miss:
\forall char* string, integer n, char c; n >= 0 && to_lower(string[n]) != c ==>
count_char(string, n+1, c) == count_char(string, n, c);
predicate are_anagrams{L}(char* s1, char* s2) = ( \forall integer i; 0 <= i < 26 ==>
count_char(s1, strlen(s1), alphabet[i]) == count_char(s2, strlen(s2), alphabet[i]) );
requires valid_string(a);
requires valid_string(b);
// Requires that strings 'a' and 'b' are composed only by alphabet's letters and that are long equally.
requires \forall integer k; 0 <= k < strlen(a) ==> 65 <= a[k] <= 90 || 97 <= a[k] <= 122;
requires \forall integer k; 0 <= k < strlen(b) ==> 65 <= b[k] <= 90 || 97 <= b[k] <= 122;
requires strlen(a) == strlen(b);
ensures 0 <= \result <= 1;
assigns \nothing;
behavior anagrams:
assumes are_anagrams(a, b);
ensures \result == 1;
behavior not_anagrams:
assumes !are_anagrams(a, b);
ensures \result == 0;
complete behaviors anagrams, not_anagrams;
disjoint behaviors anagrams, not_anagrams;
int check_anagram(const char a[], const char b[])
// Create two arrays and initialize them to zero
int first[26];
int second[26];
int c;
loop assigns first[0..(c-1)];
loop assigns second[0..(c-1)];
loop assigns c;
loop invariant 0 <= c <= 26;
loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> second[k] == first[k];
loop invariant \forall integer k; 0 <= k < c ==> first[k] == 0 && second[k] == 0;
loop invariant \valid(first+(0..25)) && \valid(second+(0..25));
loop variant 26-c;
for(c = 0; c < 26; c++)
first[c] = 0;
second[c] = 0;
char tmp = 'a';
c = 0;
// Now increment the array position related to position of character occured in the alphabet, subtracting ASCII decimal value of character from the character.
loop assigns first[0..25];
loop assigns tmp;
loop assigns c;
loop invariant 97 <= tmp <= 122;
loop invariant \valid(first+(0..25));
loop invariant strlen(\at(a, Pre)) == strlen(\at(a, Here));
loop invariant 0 <= c <= strlen(a);
loop variant strlen(a)-c;
while (a[c] != '\0')
// This is a little trick to lowercase if the char is uppercase.
tmp = (a[c] > 64 && a[c] < 91) ? a[c]+32 : a[c];
c = 0;
// Doing the same thing on second string.
loop assigns second[0..25];
loop assigns tmp;
loop assigns c;
loop invariant 97 <= tmp <= 122;
loop invariant \valid(second+(0..25));
loop invariant strlen(\at(b, Pre)) == strlen(\at(b, Here));
loop invariant 0 <= c <= strlen(b);
loop variant strlen(b)-c;
while (b[c] != '\0')
tmp = (b[c] > 64 && b[c] < 91) ? b[c]+32 : b[c];
// And now compare the arrays containing the number of occurences to determine if strings are anagrams or not.
loop invariant strlen(\at(a, Pre)) == strlen(\at(a, Here));
loop invariant strlen(\at(b, Pre)) == strlen(\at(b, Here));
loop invariant 0 <= c <= 26;
loop assigns c;
loop variant 26-c;
for (c = 0; c < 26; c++)
if (first[c] != second[c])
return 0;
return 1;