I am using AspNet Membership Provider in MVC 3. I am facing issue in change password. I have two functionality in my project
- Forgot password : ask security question and based on security answer change password.
- Admin change password: a admin can change password of any user without knowing old password or security answer.
Now the issue is that for functionality # 1, i have to make changes in web config for making requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true"
for change password so that i can change password only if security answer is valid.
<clear />
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="ApplicationServices" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true" requiresUniqueEmail="false" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="6" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" passwordAttemptWindow="10" applicationName="/" />
and i am using below code for changing password in forgot password:
string resetPassword = res.ResetPassword(model.PasswordAnswer);
MembershipService.ChangePassword(model.Username, newPassword, model.NewPassword)
now for situation # 2, where for admin i wants facility to change password of any user without knowing old password or security answer. which is only possible (as i know) by making requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"
Note:I am using separate MVC AREA
for admin part, so may be a another web config can do some magic.
please suggest how can i have have both the features (reset password with security answer and without security answer) together in single application.
Thanks a lot