When I query a database and receive a (forward-only, read-only) ResultSet back, the ResultSet acts like a list of database rows.
I am trying to find some way to treat this ResultSet like a Scala Stream
. This will allow such operations as filter
, map
, etc., while not consuming large amounts of RAM.
I implemented a tail-recursive method to extract the individual items, but this requires that all items be in memory at the same time, a problem if the ResultSet is very large:
// Iterate through the result set and gather all of the String values into a list
// then return that list
def loop(resultSet: ResultSet,
accumulator: List[String] = List()): List[String] = {
if (!resultSet.next) accumulator.reverse
else {
val value = resultSet.getString(1)
loop(resultSet, value +: accumulator)
I didn't test it, but why wouldn't it work?
new Iterator[String] {
def hasNext = resultSet.next()
def next() = resultSet.getString(1)
Utility function for @elbowich's answer:
def results[T](resultSet: ResultSet)(f: ResultSet => T) = {
new Iterator[T] {
def hasNext = resultSet.next()
def next() = f(resultSet)
Allows you to use type inference. E.g.:
stmt.execute("SELECT mystr, myint FROM mytable")
// Example 1:
val it = results(stmt.resultSet) {
case rs => rs.getString(1) -> 100 * rs.getInt(2)
val m = it.toMap // Map[String, Int]
// Example 2:
val it = results(stmt.resultSet)(_.getString(1))
This sounds like a great opportunity for an implicit class. First define the implicit class somewhere:
import java.sql.ResultSet
object Implicits {
implicit class ResultSetStream(resultSet: ResultSet) {
def toStream: Stream[ResultSet] = {
new Iterator[ResultSet] {
def hasNext = resultSet.next()
def next() = resultSet
Next, simply import this implicit class wherever you have executed your query and defined the ResultSet object:
import com.company.Implicits._
Finally get the data out using the toStream method. For example, get all the ids as shown below:
val allIds = resultSet.toStream.map(result => result.getInt("id"))
i needed something similar. Building on elbowich's very cool answer, I wrapped it a bit, and instead of the string, I return the result (so you can get any column)
def resultSetItr(resultSet: ResultSet): Stream[ResultSet] = {
new Iterator[ResultSet] {
def hasNext = resultSet.next()
def next() = resultSet
I needed to access table metadata, but this will work for table rows (could do a stmt.executeQuery(sql) instead of md.getColumns):
val md = connection.getMetaData()
val columnItr = resultSetItr( md.getColumns(null, null, "MyTable", null))
val columns = columnItr.map(col => {
val columnType = col.getString("TYPE_NAME")
val columnName = col.getString("COLUMN_NAME")
val columnSize = col.getString("COLUMN_SIZE")
new Column(columnName, columnType, columnSize.toInt, false)
Because ResultSet is just a mutable object being navigated by next, we need to define our own concept of a next row. We can do so with an input function as follows:
class ResultSetIterator[T](rs: ResultSet, nextRowFunc: ResultSet => T)
extends Iterator[T] {
private var nextVal: Option[T] = None
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
val ret = rs.next()
if(ret) {
nextVal = Some(nextRowFunc(rs))
} else {
nextVal = None
override def next(): T = nextVal.getOrElse {
nextVal.getOrElse( throw new ResultSetIteratorOutOfBoundsException
class ResultSetIteratorOutOfBoundsException extends Exception("ResultSetIterator reached end of list and next can no longer be called. hasNext should return false.")
Translate to stream or something else as per above.
This implementation, although longer and clumsier it is in better correspondence with the ResultSet contract. The side-effect has been removed from hasNext(...) and moved into next().
new Iterator[String] {
private var available = resultSet.next()
override def hasNext: Boolean = available
override def next(): String = {
val string = resultSet.getString(1)
available = resultSet.next()
I think most of above implementations has a nondeterministic hasNext
method. Calling it two times will move cursor to the second row. I would advise to use something like that:
new Iterator[ResultSet] {
def hasNext = {
def next() = {