I have the following XML tree
url <- "https://doc-0s-9c-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/rk8a2gr7rl8e8s8j0luiak0cahtcjnak/1459080000000/07495711428163271540/*/0BzmnaOABaMIgTEl6SnRUdU9Eb2M?e=download"
bin <- getURL(url)
con <- file("reference.xml", open = "wb")
writeBin(bin, con)
OperationList <- xmlTreeParse("reference.xml", useInternal = TRUE)
I am able to get one dataframe for plan name and one for operation name.
planname <- data.frame(sapply(OperationList["//subgroups/OperationGroup/subgroups/OperationGroup/operations/OperationHeader/plans/PlanHeader/name"], xmlValue))
operationanme <- data.frame(sapply(OperationList["//subgroups/OperationGroup/subgroups/OperationGroup/operations/OperationHeader/name"], xmlValue))
but getting them together in one df (ie. flattening the xml tree) does not work.
I went through multiple approaches (cf below what I tried and the error message I got) but nothing worked so far. Thanks to point me to errors I made.
xmlToDataFrame function
Operation.df1 <- xmlToDataFrame(OperationList)
duplicate subscripts for columns
xmlToDF function
as per https://hopstat.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/faster-xml-conversion-to-data-frames/
xmlToDF = function(doc, xpath, isXML = TRUE, usewhich = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!isXML)
doc = xmlParse(doc)
#### get the records for that form
nodeset <- getNodeSet(doc, xpath)
## get the field names
var.names <- lapply(nodeset, names)
## get the total fields that are in any record
fields = unique(unlist(var.names))
## extract the values from all fields
dl = lapply(fields, function(x) {
if (verbose)
print(paste0(" ", x))
xpathSApply(proc, paste0(xpath, "/", x), xmlValue)
## make logical matrix whether each record had that field
name.mat = t(sapply(var.names, function(x) fields %in% x))
df = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(name.mat), ncol = ncol(name.mat)))
names(df) = fields
## fill in that data.frame
for (icol in 1:ncol(name.mat)) {
rep.rows = name.mat[, icol]
if (usewhich)
rep.rows = which(rep.rows)
df[rep.rows, icol] = dl[[icol]]
Operation.df2 <- xmlToDF(OperationList,
xpath = "/subgroups/OperationGroup/subgroups/OperationGroup/name")
Error in name.mat[, icol] : subscript out of bounds
rbind & xpathApply
Operation.df3 <- xpathApply(OperationList,
function(node) {
region <- xmlValue(node[["name"]])
xp <- "./operations/OperationHeader/name"
operation <- xpathSApply(node, xp, xmlValue)
if (is.null(operation)) operation <- NA
data.frame(region, operation, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
do.call(rbind, Operation.df3 )
gives a NULL
xmlToList and plyr
require(XML) require(plyr) OperationList2 <- xmlToList(OperationList) Operation.df4 <- ldply(OperationList2, data.frame)
*Give me arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0
xmlToList, plyr and data.table
Operation.df41 <- data.frame(rbindlist(OperationList2))
Item 1 of list input is not a data.frame, data.table or list
Operation.df42 <- rbindlist(OperationList2)
Item 1 of list input is not a data.frame, data.table or list
Operation.df43 <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(OperationList2),
only one column
Operation.df44 <- lapply(OperationList2, data.frame,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0
Operation.df45 <- rbind.fill(Operation.df44)
Using a function in a loop
Convert (possibly malformed) xml into Data Frame in R
xp <- function (OperationList, tag){
n <- xpathSApply(OperationList, tag, xmlValue)
if (length(n) > 0)
# paste multiple values?
paste0(n, collapse="; ")
else NA
z <- getNodeSet(OperationList, "//subgroups/OperationGroup/subgroups/OperationGroup")
n <-length(z)
notices <-vector("list",n)
for(i in 1:n)
Operation.df5[[i]] <- data.frame(
region = xp(z2, "//name"),
operation = xp(z2, "//operations/OperationHeader/name"),
do.call("rbind", Operation.df5)
object of type 'externalptr' is not subsettable
With getNodeSet set
for (i in 1:length(getNodeSet(OperationList, "//subgroups/OperationGroup")))
if (i==1) {
foo<-xmlSApply(OperationList[[i]], xmlValue)
Operation.df6 <-data.frame(t(foo), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
else {
foo<-xmlSApply(OperationList[[i]], xmlValue)
tmp<-data.frame(t(foo), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Operation.df6 <-rbind(Operation.df6, tmp)
No method for subsetting an XMLInternalDocument with integer