Hi I am new to jquery and trying to dynamically add row dynamically using the button from another datatable row.
Is there any easy way that using the row.add() function to create a row with button and input text like the below tr ?
<td> <button type="button" class="btn green btn-xs select-row" data-id="7" data-includeTax="N">btn</button>
<td><input type="text" ></td>
im trying to call function similar to below on onclick event
saleDetailDT.row.add([..... ? ]).draw();
Try something like this:
var table = $('#dataTables').DataTable();
table.row.add(['<button type="button" class="btn green btn-xs select-row" data-id="7" data-includeTax="N">btn</button>','1','2','<input type="text">','3']).draw();
// table.row.add([first_td_html_of_tr,second_td-html_of_tr,third_td_html_of_tr,...nth td_html_of_tr]).draw();
And dont forget to give your table id="datatables" as below.
<table id ="datatables">
Maybe you are searching for something like:
$('#myTable > tbody:last-child').append('<tr>...</tr><tr>...</tr>');
Please see Add table row in jQuery