Using ANTLR 4.2, I'm trying a very simple parse of this test data:
Using a minimal grammar:
grammar Tiny;
thing : RRV N HASH ID ;
RRV : 'RRV' ;
N : [0-9]+ ;
HASH : '#' ;
ID : [a-zA-Z0-9]+ ;
WS : [\t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // match 1-or-more whitespace but discard
I expect the lexer RRV to match before ID, based on the excerpt below from Terence Parr's Definitive ANTLR 4 reference:
BEGIN : 'begin' ; // match b-e-g-i-n sequence; ambiguity resolves to BEGIN
ID : [a-z]+ ; // match one or more of any lowercase letter
Running the ANTLR4 test rig with the test data above, the output is
line 1:0 mismatched input 'RRV0' expecting 'RRV'
I can see the first token is <4> for ID, with the value 'RRV0'
I have tried rearranging the lexer item order. I have also tried using implicit lexer items by explicitly matching in the grammar rule (rather than through an explicit lexer item). I tried making matches non greedy too. Those were not successful for me.
If I change the lexed ID item to not match upper case then the RRV item does match and the parse will get further.
I started in ANTLR 4.1 with the same issue.
I checked in ANTLRWorks and from the command line, with the same result both ways.
How can I change the grammar to match lexer item RRV in preference to ID ?