How to write an NES function that also takes chara

2019-07-13 13:31发布


I´m working on a R package that takes strings as function arguments. Now I want to use non-standard evaluation to allow for non-string input. Also, to keep the backwards compatibility, I´d like to keep the possibility for the functions to take strings.

Hadley gives an example with the subset function and suggests that every NES function should be accompanied by a standard evaluation function.

# standard evaluation
subset2_ <- function(df, condition) {
    r <- lazy_eval(condition, df)
    r <- r & !
    df[r, , drop = FALSE]

subset2_(mtcars, lazy(mpg > 31))

# NES can be written easily afterwards

subset2 <- function(df, condition) {
    subset2_(df, lazy(condition))

While the SE function now also takes quoted input,

subset2_(mtcars, "mpg > 31")

the NSE function throws an error:

subset2(mtcars, "mpg > 31")

But I want the user to have the same function (the NSE function) for both quoted as well as unquoted arguments.

Any ideas?


The NSE function takes NSE input. That’s the point of this pattern, isn’t it?

subset2(mtcars, mpg > 31)

You can of course allow the NSE function to take character input as well but I’d advise against this — strongly. Don’t mix SE and NSE, there’s no advantage to be had, and it sows confusion (and potentially bugs, since you’re mixing domains).

That said, the following of course works:

subset2 <- function(df, condition) {
    if (is.character(substitute(condition)))
        subset2_(df, condition)
        subset2_(df, lazy(condition))

If you want to allow NSE and SE in the same function for backwards compatibility reasons, I suggest phasing out the SE version in a future version, and adding a deprecation warning for now. To add the deprecation warning:

subset2 <- function(df, condition) {
    if (is.character(substitute(condition))) {
        msg = sprintf(paste0('Calling %s with a quoted expression is',
                             ' deprecated. Pass an unquoted expression',
                             ' instead, or use %s.'),
                      sQuote('subset2'), sQuote('subset2_'))
        .Deprecated(msg = msg)
        subset2_(df, condition)
        subset2_(df, lazy(condition))