I have the following problem:
Within my type provider, I need to extend a generic type, that I have previously defined, with a method that will return an instance of this generic type. What I mean is, let's say we have :
type receiveType<'a> = class
val Next:int
val Type:string
new (state,stateType) =
{Next = state;Type = stateType;}
later within my typeprovider I want to extend the type with the following function:
type ProviderTest() as this= (
inherit TypeProviderForNamespaces()
let ns = "typeProviderTest.Provided"
let asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
let makeAType (s:string) =
let typage =
ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, ns, s, Some typeof<obj>)
type receiveType<'a> with
member this.receive(hey:'a,next:string)=
// generate a type from a string for instance
// "hello" -> type helloType
// let typage = ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, ns, next, Some typeof<obj>)
new receiveType<nextType>(5,"hello")
The goal here for me is to generate an instance of the type receiveType<TypeHello>
, iterate through a structure (Finite State Machine) to get the next possible message I can receive ( for instance "goodMorning"
), create the type associated ( TypeGoodMorning
) and then generate an instance of receiveType<TypeGoodMorning>
Thank you.