Applying functions to multidimensional numpy array

2019-07-13 12:37发布


I am working with raster data with numpy (after reading from GDAL), which represents elevation. My goal is calculate water flow direction for every pixel in the array using numpy, determined primarily from the difference in elevation between a given pixel and it's 8 neighbours.

I have already implemented a rolling window technique to generate a multidimensional array with each pixel and it's neighbours, which works as below:

def rolling_window(array, window_size):
    itemsize = array.itemsize
    shape = (array.shape[0] - window_size + 1,
             array.shape[1] - window_size + 1,
             window_size, window_size)
    strides = (array.shape[1] * itemsize, itemsize,
               array.shape[1] * itemsize, itemsize)
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(array, shape=shape, strides=strides)

array = np.arange(100)
array = array.reshape(10, 10)
w = rolling_window(array, 3)

# produces array with shape (8, 8, 3, 3) - edge cases are not currently dealt with.

So, a series of 3 x 3 arrays, centred around the study pixel at 1,1, each within another dimension of the array for the raster "rows" e.g., from one pixel of the input, the array representing it could be as below, where the pixel valued 4 is the study pixel, and the other values are it's immediate neighbours.

array([[[[ 0,  1,  2],
         [ 3,  4,  5],
         [ 6,  7,  8]]]])

A simplified version of my current method for working with this multidimensional array is the following function:

def flow_dir(array):

    # Value to assign output based on element index.
    flow_idx_dict = {0: 32,
                     1: 64,
                     2: 128,
                     3: 16,
                     5: 1,
                     6: 8,
                     7: 4,
                     8: 2}

    # Generates the rolling window array as mentioned above.
    w = rolling_window(array, 3)

    # Iterate though each pixel array.
    for x, i in enumerate(w, 1):
        for y, j in enumerate(i, 1):
            j = j.flatten()

            # Centre pixel value after flattening.
            centre = j[4]

            # Some default values.
            idx = 4
            max_drop = 0

            # Iterate over pixel values in array.
            for count, px in enumerate(j):

                # Calculate difference between centre pixel and neighbour.
                drop = centre - px

                # Find the maximum difference pixel index.
                if count != 4:
                    if drop > max_drop:
                        max_drop = drop
                        idx = count

            # Assign a value from a dict, matching index to flow direction category.
            value = flow_idx_dict[idx]

            # Update each pixel in the input array with the flow direction.
            array[x, y] = value
    return array

Understandably, all these for loops and if statements are very slow. I know there must be a vectorized numpy way to do this, but I'm struggling to find the exact functions(s) I need, or perhaps have not understood how to implement them properly. I have tried np.apply_along_axis, np.where, np.nditer, and others, but to no avail so far. What I think I need is:

  1. A way to apply a function to each of these pixel arrays produced by the rolling window without using for loops to access them.

  2. Find the maximum drop index value, without using if statements and enumerate.

  3. To be able to update the input array in a batch, not by individual element.


I think rolling windows can be avoided here; It is easier and more readable to vectorize on NxN array than NxNx3x3.

Consider this data :

array = np.array([[78, 72, 69, 71, 58, 49],
       [74, 67, 56, 49, 46, 50],
       [69, 53, 44, 37, 38, 48],
       [64, 58, 55, 22, 33, 24],
       [68, 61, 47, 21, 16, 19],
       [74, 53, 34, 12, 11, 12]])

First, compute the 8 gradients and codes this way :

gradient = np.empty((8,N-2,N-2),dtype=np.float)
code = np.empty(8,
for k in range(8):
    theta = -k*np.pi/4
    code[k] = 2**k
    j, i =*np.cos(theta)),*np.sin(theta))
    d = np.linalg.norm([i,j])
    gradient[k] = (array[1+i: N-1+i,1+j: N-1+j]-array[1: N-1,1: N-1])/d

It is fast because there is few external loops (8). (-gradient).argmax(axis=0) give for each pixel the direction of the flow.

Finally, take the code :

direction = (-gradient).argmax(axis=0)
result = code.take(direction)

result :

array([[  2,   2,   4,   4],
       [  1,   2,   4,   8],
       [128,   1,   2,   4],
       [  2,   1,   4,   4]])