I'm trying to implement optionsMenu in a WL application, testing it in Android (sdk level 10 in my project settings, runtime is Android 4.0.3). But no menu is available. I'm connecting to my local server through HTC usb pass-through, so i have to deal with worklight settings to change network address.
I've gone through IBM doc (WL getting started and infocenter), but there is no full explanation/code.
Here are my questions/issues:
1) how to deal with worklight settings in application-descriptor.xml (i need to access it as an additional optionsMenu item for local testing purpose):
<android version="1.0">
<worklightSettings include="true"/>
2) Where should i init the optionsMenu? (i call a function in the document.ready jquery function in my html page)
3) i've put icons (xxxx.png) in Android/native/res/drawable, is it enough?
4) are there specific issues with android sdk level 10 ?