Replace everything except numbers in a string vb6

2019-07-13 11:44发布


well i did my research and seen a lot of posts about this but couldnt find a solution in VB6 so how can i do this in VB6?

lets say i got a string like:

" Once upon a time there was a little kid who wonders about going further than 1000 of miles away from home... "

i want to get only numbers "1000" in this string seperated from string and wanna replace the whole string but numbers should stand still.


The simplest way is to walk the string and copy numbers to a new one:

Function GetNumbers(Value As String) As String
Dim Index As Long
Dim Final As String

  For Index = 1 To Len(Value)
    If Mid(Value, Index, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then
      Final = Final & Mid(Value, Index, 1)
    End If

  GetNumbers = Final
End Function

The result:


This is inefficient with long strings when there are lots of numbers though.


Building on Deanna's answer:

Function GetNumbers(Value As String) As String
Dim Index As Long
Dim Digit As String
Dim Final As String
Dim Count As Long

  Count = 1
  GetNumbers = Space(Len(Value))
  For Index = 1 To Len(Value)
    Digit = Mid(Value, Index, 1)
    If Digit Like "[0-9]" Then
      Mid(GetNumbers, Count, 1) = Digit
      Count = Count + 1
    End If

  GetNumbers = Left(GetNumbers, Count - 1)
End Function

This function should be O(n)



You may use regular expressions:

Dim NumExp As New RegExp

NumExp.Pattern = "\D"
NumExp.Global = True

strOutput = NumExp.Replace(strWhatToReplace, strReplaceWithWhat)


nStr = "abc12def345"
For X = 1 To Len(nStr)
    If IsNumeric(Mid(nStr, X, 1)) = True Then
        nNum = nNum & Mid(nStr, X, 1)
    End If
Next X

MsgBox nNum