I have a block of code that tries to reconnect to Redis if a connection breaks. If it can not re-establish connection, it throws an error. I am trying to test the block of code that throws the error, but I am unable to write a successful test using mocha and chai.
My test looks like this:
it('throws an error when a connection can\'t be established', function (done) {
var c = redisClient.newClient();
sinon.stub(redisClient, 'newClient', function () {
return { connected: false };
redisClient.resetConnection(c, 2, 100, function (err) {
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
err.message.should.equal('Redis: unable to re-establish connection');
I've tried using the assert().throws but that fails before the asynchronous throw occurs. A try/catch block also fails for the same reason. My guess is that mocha captures the exception and re-throws it because the uncaughtException block does get the error, but not before mocha has failed the test. Any suggestions?
I had tried wrapping the call in a function:
var a = function() {redisClient.resetConnection(c, 2, 100, function () {
done('Should not reach here');
expect(a).to.throw(/unable to re-establish connect/);
and I get the following:
✖ 1 of 5 tests failed:
1) RedisClient .resetConnection emits an error when a connection can't be established:
expected [Function] to throw an error